Transforming Public Procurement - The Procurement Act - Issue 4


In addition to the transparency Notices already discussed in Issue 3, the Act has introduced and modified a range of other notices, underpinning its enhanced transparency obligations.

Some notices are mandatory and others voluntary, and they cover the whole process from procurement, to award, management and termination.

Notices will be published on a single central digital platform, which should help to improve the consistency of data published about procurements and improve transparency.


Procurement Stage

  • Tender Notice (Mandatory) - replaces the current ‘Contract Notice’. This must be published to commence a competitive process and invite tenders.

  • Transparency Notice (Mandatory) - a notice prior to award, setting out that an authority intends to award a contract directly without running a competitive tendering procedure (i.e. direct award under a framework).

  • Procurement Termination Notice (Mandatory) - where, after publishing a tender or transparency notice, the process is terminated without awarding a contract.

Award Stage

  • Contract Award Notice (Mandatory) - communicates the intention to award a procurement and commences the standstill period.      

  • Contract Details Notice (Mandatory) - to be published within 30 days of entering into a contract and includes all the details of that contract.

Management Stage

  • Contract Change Notice (Mandatory) - setting out that an authority intends to modify a contract. Subject to percentage allowances of the modification of the value or term of the contract.

  • Contract Performance Notice - Where a contracting authority has set KPIs for contracts of £5m+, this notice is to publish information in relation to performance assessment against KPIs, at least once every 12 twelve months during the life of the contract and on termination.

  • Payments Compliance Notice - A notice setting out specified information about an authority’s compliance with the 30 day payment terms, for payments of over £30k. Does not apply to schools.

  • Contract Termination Notice (Mandatory) - must be published within 30 days of termination – contract expiry or otherwise.

What is the easiest way to compliant procurement?

By using the frameworks managed by Dukefield Procurement, you can ensure any procurement you wish to undertake is compliant, as we will navigate the new processes and procedures for you!   

 You can find out more about our frameworks: on our website

How Dukefield Procurement can help:

Dukefield Procurement’s qualified procurement professionals are on hand to provide free advice,  and to support you with any questions you may have as we progress through the new legislation.

We will be publishing a series of easy to understand general guidance notes, backed up with webinars, presentations and learning resources. We can also offer tailor made support services for your institution to assist with both the new Procurement Act and wider procurement concerns.

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Sarah Dungar