Transforming Public Procurement - The Procurement Act - Issue 1
What is changing?
The way public procurement is carried out in the UK is changing. It’s the biggest transformation to procurement law in years, with the aim to speed up and simplify procurement processes, improve transparency, and remove barriers.
The Procurement Act, which will reform the existing Procurement Rules, received Royal Assent in October 2023. The ‘go-live’ date for the new regime is 28 October 2024.
Existing legislation will apply until the new regime goes live and will also continue to apply to procurements started under the old rules.
The Transforming Public Procurement programme aims to improve the way public procurement is regulated in order to:
make it more accessible, efficient, and beneficial for both contracting authorities and suppliers
provide a clearer framework for decision making
create a simpler and more flexible, commercial system that better meets the UK’s needs while remaining compliant with international obligations, utilising a new central digital platform
open up public procurement to new entrants such as small businesses and social enterprises so that they can compete for and win more public contracts
relax restrictions on considering factors such as supplier location and social value, allowing more flexibility to support local businesses and achieve wider community benefits
embed transparency throughout the commercial lifecycle so that the spending of taxpayers’ money can be properly scrutinised.
There will be changes to processes, including the requirement for different and new notices to be published - to aid transparency, new terminology to learn and the requirement for more formal contract management.
What does this mean for me?
Together with the need for understanding the changes in legislation and process, there will be an increase in notice requirements for any contracting authority.
This increase in transparency is likely to be welcomed by suppliers wanting more information, however, contracting authorities are understandably concerned by the administrative burden this may place on their teams, particularly where there are no dedicated procurement staff.
How Dukefield Procurement can help:
There are various useful resources available to aid with learning and development around the Procurement Act 2023. Some of these will come directly from the Cabinet Office, who have provided Knowledge Drops and Factsheets.
Dukefield Procurement’s qualified procurement professionals are on hand to provide free advice, and to support you with any questions you may have as we progress through the new legislation.
We will be publishing a series of easy to understand general guidance notes, backed up with webinars, presentations and learning resources. We can also offer tailor made support services for your institution to assist with both the new Procurement Act and wider procurement concerns.
You can download this article here.
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